Assalam u alaikum

Been thinking about the year that has passed and many that has passed before, with each year being better than the one before. Still, we never seem to count the blessings and people most near and dear to us. For me this year has been more of a learning year overall than just a normal one. I did many experiments, accomplished many goals and made many happy. In all of that I forgot about my own happiness and I thought that I will think about that later, just like every year before that. People make excuses, they made their life easier and by easier ways while thinking or judging me in all the ways they can. Although it is not their problem to meet my expectations so it wasn’t mine either to meet theirs. Do I make sense? Probably/ Probably not. Sometimes I do wonder if many think of me as crazy but the funny part is that I don’t care anymore. I simply don’t.

My agenda for this year will be to mark happier goals for myself and my son. I will be doing lots of shopping, buying him a lot of toys and simply doing all I can to be myself. Authentic version of my true self. In sha Allah.

Happy near year . 🙂 Do what makes you happy and content. 🙂

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